Thursday, December 29, 2005

Observation: First Chakra Vibration

An interesting thing occured the other day.

I believe it took place after a day of Kundalini Yoga, Light Body Meditation and some reading of spiritual scriptures.

okay so they are books not scriptures, but scriptures makes it sound cooler.

My Rook Chakra, my survival chakra sent forth a vibration that I was sensitive to.

I felt it pulse outwards in all directions, and what's intersting on top of that was that it was searching for a response.

What ever should respond, but my heart center or Fourth Chakra.

It was as if my 1st Chakra sent out a vibration for a response from my Heart Center, perhaps it was looking for a response from additional centers as well? Perhaps my Heart, being the balancing point needs relay vibration throughout the higher centers. Perhaps my higher centers are not yet completely accepting of my 1st Acceptance Chakra.

I haven't the direct knowledge of this activity at this time, but perhaps I should not look for results in what I observe...

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Observation: Opportunity for Improvement

One will often find that they trait they least like to see expressed in others is truly their surpressed weakness in themselves.

A trait I have recently not liked at all in another individual has been greed. They are motivated by Greed and it disgusts me. Then I ask myself, why does this action disgust me so.

and I ponder that perhaps it is the reflection of mySELF in that act that I do not like to view.

and I ask Greed, have I truly moved past you?

to raise the question is a good step...

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Observation: Phase 4 Light Body, Awakening Your Light Body

It has been a while since I posted on the Light Body. What's exciting is that I have completed the course! It has been an unbelievable uplifting in my vibratory energy rate. I can remember when session and during the meditation we finally made contact with our souls, I shed a tear for it was the first time in this lifetime I consciously made contact with my soul. It was wll needed. Anyhoot back to a description of Phase 4.

In the 4th phase we focus on 2 centers, the Fullonia and the Saha.

Fullonia- centered within the heart, it is from the Fullonia that we can operate in the "Observer Space" Rather interestingly that is what this blog is about, lots of observations. One is to follow to the smallest center of light within the heart center and there in lies the Fullonia. I do not recall at which point of my studies I came across the following concept, but I shall relay it anyway because it is currently my perception. I recall learning that there is a tiny Buddha within all of us, call it Buddha Nature. I believe I recall that within the heart there lies a tiny buddha for us all. A very cute thought if you think about it. Anyway this could simply be my own interpretation of a great many things. It is said that the Lord Buddha is watching over earth and that he is connected to all beings. I believe it is through the Fullonia center (within the heart center) that we are connected. Again, just a bunch of different lines of thought that I have strung together for a temporary truth for mySELF. Fullonia center connection with what Buddha represents.

Next center is the SaHa, in some Eastern practices the Ha represents the Har center. In Kundalini Yoga the Har is for prosperity and is a closely related to Hari (or Hari Krisna) The ha sits above the navel, the sa eqaul distant below the navel. In honestly I don't recall specifically how the SaHa functions. I believe that it is a final grounding of creativity and power (2nd and 3rd chakras) prior to going onto the dimension of the soul.

It seems as though the fullonia and the SaHa are centres within centers. When dealing with multiple dimensions this begins to come into alignment :-)

peace be a thing of beauty

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Dream: Meeting with The Master

I recall being located in a rather desolate locations. It seems as though the place has been ransacked by a disaster of sometime, life appears to be rather non existent. Then I look up to the sky, and I see coming from the clouds The Master. Now this is no ordinary Master, but when one thinks of The Master, it is That Master. I see him float down from the sky and land upon a rocky ledge.

Wow, I am to meet The Master. I sense that others see his decent, yet I cannot see where they may be located. I decide I should fly over to The Master. On the way, I veer ever so slightly, I am humbled by his presence and somewhat scared actually. It's not every day one meets The Master.

I gather myself and go over to him.

He tells me things about ancient experiences, yet at this time I am unable to take this information from sub- to conscious mind.

He gathers me up and I take flight with him, I do not recall where we head.

Then I am walking on a path behind him. We pass goblets, or bottle of wine I believe. I stop to have a sip. I then remember no more. While in the presence of The Master and upon the path be mindful of where you are, but follow The Master as he leads...

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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Observation: Butterflies in the Stomach

So it seems that the more I learn and awaken to the reality of things and of how energy flows, the more observations are made of things many experience.

The other day I was thinking about the potential of what I was to work on and achieve, then suddenly I got butterflies in my stomach. I used to regularly get some butterflies when giving presentations in school, I actually welcomed them because it meant that I would do well when actually delivering the presentation.

Now I realize that butterflies are nothing more than 3rd chakra energy moving up into the heart center to be integrated. So the chakra of personal power becomes integrated in the heart center. It can be said that Centered in Love is the way bhakti. Power energy becomes love energy and transmits.

What beautiful butterflies can you bring up :)

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