Friday, April 08, 2005

Observation: 1st Chakra Rules

The one closest to Mother Earth, the one that carries the most fundamental human instinct.


Survival is what we, as a species, have been continually seeking in existence. It's a good instinct to have. In contemplating survival my neuron receptors recently activated the region that has to do with "Alpha Male Syndrom"

(Man I almost wrote alpha mail syndrom, that's right the best type of mail)

Alpha Male Syndrom is really an instinct of survival. The best, strongest most intelligent, dominate the rules of engagement for the benefit of the entire pack. This is typically men that perform this, though I have witnessed some interesting alpha female encounters. So how about where Alpha males run into each other, or a Beta wants to take a stab at the top spot. This causes friction.

I liken this friction to the typical scene in drinking establishments in larger cities. All dudes there think they are the Shisnit and are so up tight trying to impress everyone the whole time they are out. This is because they are all projecting Alpha Male images, even though we know they cannot possibly all be Alpha males. So why do they project?

Because they are fighting for survival, the abilty to pass their "superior" genes down along with a alpha female. (superior only in that they are the only genes they have ever known) But there is just something missing in this and it has to do with Chakra number uno. Emotion, the first Chakra is also responsible for emotional security as well. Alpha Male Syndrome seems to go against emotional security. Perhaps a Matriarchy is what our planet has been missing for so long??

Maybe men have screwed this place up enough and we should stand aside and let the women run things? hmm Why not. Then emotion would play in here appropriately. Or maybe we should all be graded as to our status so that we carry signs along with us, Alpha's Beta's Epsilon's oh wait there was already a story about that, but it would make goin go drinkin establishments in big cities a lot more laid back and that's what it is all about right?

To sum up, this spun me several directions. 1st Chakra dictates to us how we should go about surviving, but we seem to not listen well enough. Where is the "Alpha Female of Earth" I bet she would have some excellent perspective on this..

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